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Bagged Mulch or Bulk Mulch – Which Should You Buy?

Is bagged mulch your best bet? Or is buying bulk mulch a smarter way to go?

Generally speaking, the decision comes down to the scale of your project and whether or not you have room to accommodate a big pile of mulch. However, there are good reasons to go with each option. Here, the professional team at The Dirt Bag explains when to choose bagged mulch and when bulk makes better sense.
Types of mulch: pros and cons

Benefits of Buying Bagged Mulch

Buying landscape materials by the bag can make your gardening tasks easier, as bagged products are lightweight enough to move around your property. And when you buy bags, you don’t have to deal with a potentially messy pile of mulch.

In addition, buying bagged mulch allows you to choose different colors or types for different landscape purposes. And some suppliers – including The Dirt Bag – waive the delivery fee for bag orders if you live in a certain region.

Benefits of Buying Bulk Mulch

When you buy landscape materials in bulk, the entire batch looks the same. With bags, there can be variances – and this may not be acceptable for some projects. Plus, the lack of packaging makes buying bulk mulch an eco-friendly choice.

Making a bulk purchase can also save you money. Though delivery to your door comes with an added charge, your overall price may be lower if you buy in bulk. This isn’t always the case, but if you’re ordering a large amount, the savings can be significant.

Should You Order Bagged Mulch or Bulk Mulch?

To decide, first ask yourself if you actually have space on your property to store a bulk order of landscape materials -- and whether the delivery truck can easily reach the spot you have in mind. If not, bags will be your only option.

If you can accommodate a bulk mulch delivery, take a moment to do the math. Consider how many cubic feet you need and what that quantity would cost in bags and in bulk. Most landscape material suppliers list prices online, so you can easily calculate the total for each.

However, when you’re figuring out the cost of bulk mulch, remember to factor in the delivery fee. Some suppliers indicate the price for delivery on their websites, but you may need to call. In many cases – despite the extra delivery fee -- buying in bulk saves money.

When you’re ready to place an order, turn to The Dirt Bag. We offer high-quality landscape materials to homeowners throughout northern Utah, and our bagged and bulk mulch both have budget-friendly prices.

At The Dirt Bag, delivery of our bagged landscape materials is free within Salt Lake County, and we charge a low fee for bulk orders and deliveries outside of the county. To place an order for bagged mulch or bulk much, contact our West Jordan, Utah, office today.

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