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Healthy Fruit Trees in Utah

Healthy Fruit Trees in Utah

What’s better than biting into a juicy, soft, sweet peach in the middle of a hot summer day? Utahns love their fruit, with numerous orchards seen all over the state. We even have a town called Fruita in central Utah because of the long growing season and historically abundant water throughout that particular area. Peaches are commonly grown around Utah, but plums, pears, apples, apricots, and cherries are also very popular and typically do well in Utah’s climate. Some fruit trees are easier to manage than others, but whichever you choose, you will be rewarded with delicious fruit if you keep it healthy and strong.

Plum trees are one of the most low-maintenance fruit trees you can have in your personal orchard. They stay a little more compact than other fruit trees, like apple, which is appealing for many of us that don’t live on large acre lots. Plums, however, are not self-pollinating, so you will need to plant two if you want it to be fruit bearing.

Pears are a hot pick because they don’t seem to struggle with diseases and insects as much as other fruit trees. Like plums, you will need two in a garden for a tree to produce good fruit, and these trees do take a bit longer to establish themselves—about three years. But, once they’re rooted and are taking off, they produce beautiful, delicious fruit for many years to come.

Cherry trees are absolutely stunning when they bloom, so you have an added bonus with this tree. Typically, these trees like to be planted in twos or threes, but there is now a self-pollinating dwarf sweet cherry that is very popular. Cherry trees are fairly easy to take care of, providing shade and beauty for your garden area or anywhere in your yard.

Peaches are really popular in Utah, especially the Elberta variety. Many peach trees are self-pollinating, but some are not. You’ll want to ask before you buy to ensure you’re giving your tree the best shot. Peach trees can be pruned to remain smaller, so they’re ideal for any garden size.

All trees in Utah are stressed right now, but that doesn’t mean they’re dying. You can help them out with a few changes or additions to your garden. We talk about mulch a lot, but it’s such an important component to any healthy garden. Placing mulch around your trees will provide them with protection and helps with water absorption and retention, which is incredibly important today. Additionally, mulch will keep harmful pests and insects away from your trees, keeping the fruit lovely for you to eat fresh, put in pies, or to make jam with! Like the rest of your garden, water those gorgeous fruit trees less often but with slower, deeper waterings. Another way to give your fruit trees a fighting chance is to add compost to the soil. The healthy microorganisms in organic compost will break down into the soil, reaching the tree’s roots, and provide nutrients for your fruit tree. For the highest quality products to give your fruit trees, head to The Dirt Bag today.

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