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Installation Tips for Utah Sod

You're undoubtedly aware that soil preparation is a prerequisite for installing sod if you've done any research on the subject. Making preparations to the ground guarantees that your grass will take hold and grow quickly, providing you with the lush, healthy lawn you desire.

Although effective soil preparation is essential, Utah sod suppliers have a few insider tips that make installing turfgrass simpler. The Dirt Bag can also supply the necessary landscape supplies, making things even simpler.

Installation Tips for Utah Sod by The Dirt Bag

Preparing the Soil

You must create a healthy, level base for your sod by breaking up the soil, removing rocks and debris, and adding nutrients. It is advisable to incorporate our Utelite soil conditioner to enhance drainage and break down dense clay. In order to supply nutrients to the turf's root system, the majority of our customers additionally incorporate a substantial amount of organic compost. Thoroughly moisten the soil the night before your Utah sod delivery, but avoid letting it pool. 

Keep an Eye on the Temperature

The temperature of the sod must never get above 130 degrees Fahrenheit. This can kill your grass plants and harm the roots. To prevent the soil from heating up above this point, keep your ground damp. Your sod is delivered in rolls, much like carpet strips, on pallets. These sod mounds can get hotter than 130 degrees. Take sod from shipping pallets within 24 hours to avoid overheating. In the few hours between delivery and installation, check on your sod. Unroll those areas and give them a water soak if you see any indications that your sod is drying out or heating up. 

Installing New Sod

After the ground has been prepped, sod rolls can be installed. Edges should be staggered and cut to perfectly fill the region. When you lay sod, it's easy to see where you need to cut from above. However, making cuts on the grass side is far more difficult. Cut from the soil side for a lot easier experience; a standard utility knife will suffice. Take cautious not to step on the recently laid sod. Use a rake or shovel to ensure that no air pockets remain beneath the surface. Once every sod roll has been placed and trimmed, take hold of the hose.

Depending on the temperature and sun exposure, watering the sod one to three times a day for at least a week is necessary to help it settle and prevent the roots from drying up. Watering can be reduced to once every two days after a week, and subsequently to once every three or four days. It might need to be watered more frequently in the summer months.

The Dirt Bag provides premium landscape supplies, and they may be delivered anywhere in Salt Lake County. Get in touch with us right now to make your order for our lush, green Utah sod, compost, soil conditioner, and mulch in bulk or bags.

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